New Paste


Recent Pastes

Pastebin on

How to use

Fill out the form with data you wish to store online. You will be given an unique address to access your content that can be sent over IM/Chat/(Micro)Blog for online collaboration (eg, The following services have been made available by the administrator of this server:
  • Enabled Text
  • Enabled Syntax Highlighting
  • Enabled Line Highlighting
  • Enabled Editing
  • Disabled Password Protection
  • Disabled Copy to Clipboard
  • Enabled Image hosting
  • Enabled Copy image from URL
  • Enabled URL Shortening/Redirection
  • Enabled Visual Effects
  • Enabled AJAX Posting
  • Enabled API
  • Disabled Custom Subdomains
What to do
Just paste your text, sourcecode or conversation into the textbox below, add a name if you wish, you can even upload or copy from another site a 2 Mb image, then hit submit! If your text is a URL, the pastebin will recognize it and will create a URL forwarding page! To highlight lines, prefix them with @@
Some tips about usage; If you want to put a message up asking if the user wants to continue, add an "!" suffix to your URL (eg,!).
Developer API
To create a new paste submit using POST to - The response is in JSON format. For server settings visit

Written by Xan Manning, 2010.